Start Online Business With AI 


The business we are gonna do is CLOTHING BUSINESS .


The clothing business in INDIA its around $1.4 Trillion , and you might be knowing these days the cloths fashions are important for teenagers , mens , womens , kids , etc ....

Lets  Start 🔥

First Step , To get designs for the t-shirt .

We will use a FREE AI tool that is IDEOGRAM AI , in this website you will get awesome designs for your t-shirt .
The next step is to remove background from the image , for this we will use a AI Tool that is REMOVAL AI

Wow , your design is ready 🥰

Second Step , we have to paste the designs on the T-shirt . We will use a platform to make a store to sell the t-shirt . The platform is BLIINKSTORE

By using this platform you can easily create store for free and sell the  desings of t-shirt .

Benefit Of Using This Store :

🟢 It Accepts UPI Payment
🟢 You can withdraw money by UPI ID .
🟢 You can design you store easily and add custom domain for free .
🟢 You can add designs not only to T-shirt but , you can add designs to 
  • Mobile cover,  🤳🏻
  • Make stickers , 
  • and many more .


Next Step Of Marketing Coming In Next Blog 🤤

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